Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To whom it may concern

For anybody who cares or still has the decency to not bash our teacher, thus ends an age and the future of a good man. Presuming the rumors are true, we will never see him in our educational future. It's sad to think about. With this situation, I doubt we are ever going to return to our blogs. So here I am signing off...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Comments on YouTube should be restricted

The first argument against this is going to be "You can't do that, that's against freedom of speech!" Sure, why not, I can see your logic. But censorship has been occurring for years, generations, SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME ITSELF and all that jazz. So why would this be any different? Honestly, as someone who frequents the site, when checking the comment sections of YouTube videos nothing is more irritating than seeing some idiot spewing nonsense, hate, racism, and-my personal favorite-bigotry, all across the site. People assume that just because they can comment under an assumed name means that they can say whatever they want and get away with it. They let biased, hateful, ugly venom pour from their mouths and will openly attack anyone without restriction. So you might ask: what is being done about this if it is such an issue? YouTube does have a sort of method for "blocking" these types of comments. Previously, other users of the site were able to "down vote" or "flag" comments, this merely caused the comment from being seen despite the fact that there was an option below the comment that allows you to view that comment, making it an entirely pointless system. Under their most recent update on their comment section, the employees at YouTube (or Google, who owns YouTube) they altered it so that you can only report these comments and they linked the comments to Google+ (which hardly anyone uses), thus making the commentator's identity known. Still, this doesn't discourage abusive commentators. So here we are, letting these people fill the internet with hate and sitting by as it happens. Instead, there should be a way besides "flagging" to notify YouTube site administrators that abusive commenting is occurring so that measures may be taken to remove these offenders from having access to the comment sections of videos. To be frank, anyone who uses the anonymity of the internet as an excuse to blatantly attack and offend others rank among the worst kind of people in my book. And if you are one of these people: there is a special place in hell for people like you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Last Flifferhuzza

In a time long since past and a land now wiped from the planet, a great nation flourished by the sea. The ports bustled with the people of the land, ships came and went bringing supplies with them. These people were not "humans" such as those we know. Their heights ranged from anywhere around 1 meter or 3 meters, but never in between. A characteristic feature of these people was the form of their bodies. Their arms were too long, or so it appeared. The cause of this originated from way their bones grew, their bones stretched like rubber allowing their limbs to stretch. The same bone elasticity caused their faces to appear blank as well, such that no standard facial feature could be seen. Nevertheless they lived in peace and harmony. Legend says that the land was held above the sea by the peace of the people. These were the people known as the Flifferhuzza.
Known exceptionally well for their fashion, many other nations visited this land for trade. However, one kingdom grew jealous of the Flifferhuzza, jealous of their riches, jealous of their powerful influence. This kingdom was that of the humans.
One day as the sun was setting and the Flifferhuzza were settling down for the night, the entire nation seemed to fall silent, not a single sound to be heard. Historians described the scene as being "similar to a graveyard". The seas grew calm, still as glass. The winds ceased, not a leaf rustled. There was no movement, none except for the gliding of the human warships across the water. On that night great fires raged across the land as the humans pillaged, not a scream was heard for the Flifferhuzza had no mouths. The entire nation fell in silence to the greed of the humans; gold was taken, the fine linens of the seamstresses stolen, and the lives forcefully seized from the people.
Amongst the tragedy, one Flifferhuzza escaped. This one had been out in the woods surrounding the northern boundary looking for wood to burn to stay warm during the night. This one was large, very large. Standing 3.4 meters tall and dressed in the garbs of his now dead culture, a garb from which the modern day suit was derived from. He returned just in time to see the human warships begin to raise their anchors, and just in time to see the horrors left in the wake of those who boarded those ships. He raced to the docks as silently as possible and reached out with his extensive arms to grab hold of the anchor of the last remaining ship, unseen by its crew. He held on in silence as he watched his home crumble and become swallowed by the sea until no trace remained. Rage replaced the harmony that was once in his heart, vengeance his only motive.

Of course this was a long time ago, there is no proof as to whether it is still alive. But there is reason to believe it was just lying dormant all this time. Stories have been popping up recently, people making absurd claims that a giant, pale, faceless creature with unbelievably long arms that was wearing some sort of suit has been chasing people in the woods, killing them one by one. Perhaps this creature is the one survivor, finally seeking his revenge on humanity for destroying his people. Locals call this creature "the slender man" and dare not go out into the woods, save a few foolish teenagers who do not believe, never to return. This "slender man" is the last Flifferhuzza. Be careful when you walk through the woods at night.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Why are computers inconvenient?

Now many would be quick to disagree and say that computers are revolutionary and have changed the way we live. I would agree, however, most of my troubles come from the fact that I own a computer, especially because of the internet. My point is that procrastination via the internet has made my life hell. Even when YouTube doesn't keep me distracted my computer pulls some scheme to keep me from completing my school assignments. Just the previous weekend, this very site prevented me from making a required blog post for homework. (Even now it won't post, madness right?) That excuse that "my printer wasn't working" or "my computer is busted" is hardly ever an excuse. Computers have a tendency to breakdown when they are most, like when doing mandatory school work. I bet my computer won't even post this at the right time. (Post written at approximately 9:15 P.M. on Monday, November 4.) I wish there was some way this anomaly of computer function was fixed or at least understood, it would save me a great deal of stress overall. Nearly pulled half my hair out when my last blog post didn't upload. Computers are inconvenient because they never function when you need them to and when they do function it is only to distract you from doing real work. Madness, absolute madness, I say. If this doesn't post either, blame the internet, if you don't blame the internet, I blame society for tempering your thinking.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Most Difficult Kind of Conversation

Some of us may encounter this incredibly difficult and volatile situation in life. The way it ends, well that is what varies. Quick heads up, I have not experienced this.
Stereotypical male: "Honey, is there something wrong?"
Troubled female: "Yes actually..."
Stereotypical male: "Well, are you going to tell me?"
Troubled female: "Will you promise not to get angry?"
Stereotypical male: "Of course, I promise."
Troubled female: "I'm pregnant."
Stereotypical male: "Why would I get mad? That's great news!"
Troubled female: "It isn't yours..."
Stereotypical male: "......."
Troubled female: "Darling? Are you okay?"
The following scene is too graphic and/or unpredictable to be written for the audience. Due to the flexibility of the situation, comment your possible endings to the situation. It could be serious, funny, dark, a happy ending, anything really, I'm just curious to see what people will come up with.

Side note: I'm thinking about beginning a weekly story for this blog, comment with ideas for stories or tales and I will do my best, I even might make one long continuous story with weekly updates. Who knows?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Fly On the Wall

What is it like to be the lonely fly on the wall? A black speck, both a living creature and a pest to the giants living in the building. But who really knows my purpose? There is a phrase that means to be unseen and unheard, but in reality am I not always heard and seen? And once I am noticed, why do the giants wish for my death? Why is it that I cannot coexist with the world and not have it wish for my demise? I will not be a bother, all I really want is a few crumbs of food, anything will do, and I will stay out of everyone's way. What a cliche, I must say, it is that I must be "on the wall". Some days I just wish to go outside. But why do the giants of the domicile watch me as I suffer at the window? Do we all not just wish for a bit of help? A gateway to freedom is obtained by the simple opening of a window. And when I escape from the darting tongues of the frogs, the killer rain, and the hot sun, why is it that the giants won't offer me a day of shelter? One day out of my short, short life is all I ask, to become the fly on the wall with a moment's refuge.

The fly on the wall, unseen and unheard. I've made my cries and my pleas known. No longer am I the fly on the wall, my voice is heard, my wings beat strong, and maybe now the giants will give their sympathy to a tiny speck that they would otherwise ignore. For we are all living beings, is a bit of help from one being to the next really too much to ask?